English Plus+ for teenagers —
An exclusive afternoon course
For further information please write to info@topschooltorino.com and we will contact you to introduce you our teachers.
My son has attended a bilingual English-Italian primary school…
My son is bilingual and I’d like him to attend a school, where English is not taught as foreign language…how can he go on following English school program?
I’d like my son to attend a traditional middle school, but I don’t want him to give up with the English journey he started at primary school…
The answer is:
English Plus+ for teenagers —
An adequate command of the English language
TOP School proposes English Plus, an exclusive afternoon course aimed at improving English knowledge with the help of qualified native English teachers, of those who attend an Italian secondary school, but already have an adequate base knowledge of English language.
The course consists of 2 afternoons a week, from 2.45 pm to 4.45 pm dedicated to Critical thinking PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education) activities and Literature and an additional afternoon dedicated to the preparation of Cambridge certificates exams.