Primary school —

The Elementary School

Each teacher, to be able to correctly perform their role as a professional teacher, is continuously being formed through different type of training courses, including the in-depth study to improve their psycho-pedagogical, relationship, and management skills.

The first instruction cycle covers a fundamental time span for learning and the development of the identity of students, in which the bases are constructed, and the fundamental competencies are gradually acquired to continue to learn in school and through life.

Primary school —

Planning is subdivided the following way


Linguistic, artistic, scientific, and technological disciplines – in English


Citizenship and humanistic disciplines – in English and Italian


Maths, co-teaching lessons of the Italian and the English teacher


In Year 3, children are expected to begin their 3rd language and families can choose between French, German, and Spanish, with the possibility to obtain a certification.

Primary school —

Flexibility and concreteness

The classes in our Primary School are supplied with individual tables and ergonomic chairs that can be regulated to adapt to the different heights of the children and accompany them during their growth.

The team of teachers is made up by certified Italian teachers, as well as by native English or bilingual teachers, with specific university degrees that allow them to teach.

The didactics are based on methods and techniques characterized by flexibility and concreteness, to be able to value each of the student’s personal attributes and learning times.

Our school contemplates whole days to alternate traditional teaching with recreational, practical, sensorial, experiences, that are essential to school aged children.

Technological instruments are used in all the lessons and classes. Starting from Year 1, classes are equipped with IWB (Interactive White Boards).

The elementary school is created as a context ideal to promote significant learning and to guarantee the educational success of all the children. A flexible use of the classes and the school spaces allows to value the different experiences and student’s knowledge, favoring exploration and discovery, and in the end promote the want of new knowledge and encourage collaborative learning.

Our staff of teachers are guided by Claudia Testa, our curriculum coordinator, who with her team from Casa degli Insegnanti guarantees the quality of the didactical project and the disposition of general didactical norms for the harmonious development of the programs and methods.

Our school’s educational project has the aim to prepare the children to use English and Italian in oral and written production, in diverse learning areas and everyday communication.

The textbooks are:

  • The Italian books are those inserted in the MIUR approved lists
  • The English books are those that Anglo-Saxon schools use
  • The English Topic books are books created by our English teaching team

For the subjects taught in English or during coteaching hours, the teacher is a qualified and a native English or bilingual teacher.

Much importance is given to the feelings and socialization of the child, with the other children as well as with the teachers.


The INVALSI are national standardized tests and they are used to identify the learning curve of the students, and they are administered in Second and Fifth grade, and then in middle school.

It is a test created by the INVALSI Institute (which is the national institute of assessment of the learning and educational system of Italy) and they are for the MIUR (National Ministry of Education) to assess the level of knowledge of the Italian children in specific areas like Italian and Maths.


The extremely satisfying results of TOP School at the INVALSI demonstrate what we always say: even if the children are in a bilingual school, in which English is the dominant language, with the correct learning approach, you can still obtain excellent results in Maths and Italian.


Primary school —

Extra-curricular activities

Musical instrument

This course consists of individual or group lessons of piano, violin, or flute, that are either 30 or 60 minutes long taught by qualified professionals.



This course is held at Torino Nuoto. The children are subdivided into different categories depending on their abilities. The children go to the pool with our school staff and are transported by private bus service.

Extra-curricular activities are optional and take place after the regular schedule. Each activity is done once a week by specialized teachers. At the beginning of the school year the sport and art societies that we collaborate with are presented to the parents and there is a possibility that the children participate in a trial lesson of each of the proposed activities.


Karate & Judo

This course is taught in a playful but disciplined way, favoring the strengthening of the body’s coordination through the practice of different techniques.

The activities are done with the help of Cronosport, which has more than ten years of professional experience in the teaching of martial arts and gymnastics.


Rhythmic Gymnastics

Taught by a certified teacher. It is an activity for boys and girls. This activity is done at Cronosport, which has more than ten years of professional experience in the teaching of martial arts and gymnastics.